As part of the preparation of the Cornwall Local Plan, ‘Town Frameworks’ were produced by the Cornwall Council to access each town’s ability to accommodate growth within the urban area and on brownfield sites, assessing the most suitable options to extend the existing urban areas to accommodate remaining growth requirements, and the impact of developing these sites.
In most of Cornwall this work is being taken forward through the Local Plan Allocations Development Plan Document. This is a single county-wide document prepared by Cornwall Council to allocate land and give guidance on strategically important sites that will ‘enable the delivery of the housing and commercial growth targets within the Local Plan’ including sites for housing, employment, critical infrastructure, and retail development.
However, Liskeard Town Council has resolved that this work should be carried forward locally through the Liskeard Neighbourhood Plan, rather than the Cornwall Local Plan Allocations Document, so that the people, businesses and organisations in Liskeard have a real say in how the growth requirements are met.
Therefore all the Town Framework assessments and reports prepared by Cornwall Council are relevant to the Liskeard Neighbourhood Plan, and form a part of the Evidence Base to be considered as the Neighbourhood Plan is drawn-up. However, it is important to note that the potential development options examined in the documents below are not allocations in any formal sense, and have not been endorsed as such by Cornwall Council or Liskeard Town Council.
1 Liskeard Town Framework Employment Paper-280510
2 Liskeard Town Framework Housing Paper 211211
3 Liskeard Town Framework Infrastructure Paper v5-Dec-2011
4 Liskeard Town Framework Sustainability Appraisal
5 Liskeard Town Framework Urban Extension Assessment-051211
6 Liskeard Town Framework Urban Extension Report Appendix-A
7 Liskeard Town Framework Urban Extension Report Appendix-B
8 Liskeard Town Framework Urban Extension Report Appendix-C
9 Liskeard Town Framework Urban Extension Report Appendix-D
10 Liskeard Town Framework Urban Extension Report Appendix-E
11 Liskeard Town Framework Urban Extension Report Appendix-F
12 Liskeard Town Framework Urban Extension Report Appendix-G
13 Liskeard Options Map Feb 2012
14 Urban Extension Assessment Liskeard 30th August 2012
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