Following the intensive community engagement and formal consultation period on the draft Liskeard Neighbourhood Development Plan, the Neighbourhood Plan Team have analysed the feedback and reported to the Town Council. Overall the intentions and strategy of the draft Liskeard NDP has been well supported by the local community and local organisations. Statutory bodies have offered helpful advice. The comments received provide the basis for the Plan to be constructively amended to produce a … [Read more...]
Residents give their views on Neighbourhood Plan
There was a good response to the Liskeard Neighbourhood Plan exhibition last week in the Long Room. A steady stream of local people came through the doors to view the main document and maps, outlining policies for the future of Liskeard around employment, housing, the town centre, as well as green space protection and leisure, and many of them stayed to talk to members of the community team. “We were very pleased with the interest shown” said James Shrubsole, chair of the neighbourhood plan … [Read more...]
Support for Neighbourhood Plan is Vital!
The Liskeard Neighbourhood Development Plan, along with the newly-adopted Cornwall Local Plan, will be strong tools enabling all of us in the Liskeard community to shape how our town evolves in the next 15 years. Some time in the first half of 2017 we will all be asked to vote for-or-against the Neighbourhood Plan in a referendum. Lets start planning for that now. We have tried hard to make sure the Plan has the things in it that people said should be there, during the big community … [Read more...]
Progress Report October 2016 – The Plan now Arriving at Platform 1 is from Liskeard!
The drafting work has completed and the draft document was discussed formally at the Town Council Planning Committee on 11th October. This was followed by an informal feedback meeting with Cornwall Council officers. Amendments were made to the draft in the light of the comments received. A Town Council and Steering Group panel then considered quotes for the design and print of the Plan, and this commenced in mid-October. By the beginning of November we will have a very nice Plan to work … [Read more...]
Progress Report August 2016 – Infrastructure report developed.
Its often said that we cant have more development because our infrastructure - the services and physical equipment and civil engineering needed to support our population - simply isn't good enough. But how true is that? Well as part of producing the Neighbourhood Plan we have carried out an assessment, which you can find below. Its conclusion is that new development can be accommodated, as our infrastructure has in most cases reasonable capacity to support growth. And where it hasn't, plans are … [Read more...]