91.5% vote in favour of Liskeard Neighbourhood Plan!
On Thursday 25th October 2018 the Liskeard Neighbourhood Development Plan [2018 to 2030] – made by local people for local people – received a resounding vote in favour from the community of Liskeard. Some 1,446 people voted in support of the Plan, with 130 against.
This means that Cornwall Council will have to follow our locally prepared Neighbourhood Plan when making planning application decisions for sustainable development in Liskeard, as well as the Cornwall Local Plan.
The Liskeard Neighbourhood Development Plan includes:
- Priority for Jobs – new employment sites, and employment linked to new housing.
- Promoting brown-field sites first before more houses can be developed on fields beyond our settlement boundary.
- Supporting the vitality and viability of the town centre and it’s businesses
- Regenerating the Cattle Market to maximise the economic and cultural benefits to the community
- Respecting the town’s heritage and improvements to the street scene
- Improving and protecting our valuable green spaces in and around Liskeard with better walking and cycling routes, and connecting neighbourhoods
- Identifying more land for playing fields, parks and natural areas
- Working to improve the towns infrastructure in line with new development
A copy of the Neighbourhood Development Plan, and supporting documents, can be found on the right of this page or below it on mobile devices.
The journey so far…
Over the winter of 2016/2017 the consultation draft of the Plan was available for local people and various local and national organisations to comment on. We made changes to the Plan in the light of comments received, and formally submitted the Neighbourhood Plan to Cornwall Council on Friday 25th August 2017.
After another round of consultation, Liskeard Town Council and Cornwall Council appointed Deborah McCann BSc MRICS MRTPI Dip Arch Con Dip LD as the independent inspector to examine the Neighbourhood Development Plan for the Liskeard area. She decided to call a public hearing as part of the examination process which took place on Monday 26th March 2018. Following the Hearing, Ms McCann published her report, in which she found that subject to certain modifications recommended in her report, the Plan should proceed to referendum. The examination report and amended Neighbourhood Plan is available to view here: Examiner’s Report
The Plan has been amended in accordance with the Examiners Report, and passed its Referendum on the 25th October.
What Happens Next?
After some official formalities the Plan will be formally ‘made’ in law and adopted by Cornwall Council as part of the Development Plan. Then it will be taken into account when planning decisions are made in the Liskeard area, so that they reflect local views policies and aspirations.
Liskeard Town Council will monitor how effectively the Plan is being used to guide development, and take appropriate action to ensure that it is being followed.
Why is the Neighbourhood Plan so important?
It gives people like ourselves a real say in how our community develops – the way that land is used for housing, business, shops and leisure. It can also protect green spaces and influence the design of buildings and estates. The plan has to be agreed through a local referendum. It will have legal force for the next 12 years, and must be followed by Cornwall Council when making planning decisions.
Local people play a major role in making the plan. It’s part of their democratic right granted by the Localism Act. The more people that get involved, the better chance there is of making this a brilliant plan for Liskeard! The involvement of the community through volunteering, comment and support has been great! Now you have voted it in to effect! Thank you to everybody who participated in this successful result!
On the basis of what people have said the Plan aims to deliver the following vision:
- A Cornish market town with a distinct identity and character
- A vibrant and friendly community built on a human scale
- A place where people from the surrounding area come to use services, shops, cultural and leisure facilities
- Set in a valued rural, agricultural landscape between the sea and the moor
- A thriving modern market town at the heart of South East Cornwall
- A place where people can work in rewarding jobs supporting a vibrant economy
- An attractive place to live with a range of housing to meet local needs
- A caring community supporting residents of all age and social groups through health, education, employment, and enjoyment of cultural and leisure facilities
- An attractive centre which retains its human scale, and where people want to access services, meet and shop
- A place that fosters mobility and healthy living with a sustainable transport network for walkers, cyclists and those who depend on public transport
- A place that attracts visitors and supports tourism in S E Cornwall
The Liskeard Neighbourhood Plan is supported by grant awarded by the Supporting Communities in Neighbourhood Planning Programme led by Locality in association with RTPI/Planning Aid England, CDF and partners, available through the My Community Rights website.
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