The drafting work has completed and the draft document was discussed formally at the Town Council Planning Committee on 11th October. This was followed by an informal feedback meeting with Cornwall Council officers. Amendments were made to the draft in the light of the comments received. A Town Council and Steering Group panel then considered quotes for the design and print of the Plan, and this commenced in mid-October. By the beginning of November we will have a very nice Plan to work … [Read more...]
Progress Report August 2016 – Infrastructure report developed.
Its often said that we cant have more development because our infrastructure - the services and physical equipment and civil engineering needed to support our population - simply isn't good enough. But how true is that? Well as part of producing the Neighbourhood Plan we have carried out an assessment, which you can find below. Its conclusion is that new development can be accommodated, as our infrastructure has in most cases reasonable capacity to support growth. And where it hasn't, plans are … [Read more...]
Progress Support May 2016 – Checking, Updating, Drafting, and Checking Again!
Plan drafting is a serious and involving business...especially when the world out there keeps changing! We look at the Working Group report, then at the NPPF and the latest version of the Cornwall Local Plan, and start to write...then an announcement is made...the housing numbers are changing, or the rules on affordable housing have been altered, or there is a new strategy for we go back, revise, update, and draft again...and so on! During this spring, because of changes made … [Read more...]
Progress Report August 2015 – Visioning Workshop helps to joint up the dots…
To make sure that our Working Groups did not go in divergent directions, the draft reports of their findings, proposing aims and objectives and ideas for future policies for the planning of Liskeard were brought together in a big ‘visioning’ workshop at the end of July 2015. This was a meeting of the full team, attended by working group volunteers and councillors. The purpose was to bring the work of the groups together, review various options for the future of Liskeard and agree the strategy … [Read more...]
Progress Report June 2015 – Working groups finalising work
The four themed Neighbourhood Plan Working Groups have been hard at work researching their subjects and thinking about the objectives and policies that would be best for Liskeard's future, taking into account all that the community told us in the summer engagement period last year. Various stakeholder events have taken place, including sessions with local builders, walkers & cyclists, developers and such like. The Neighbourhood Plan Working Groups are now finalising their reports, which will … [Read more...]