To make sure that our Working Groups did not go in divergent directions, the draft reports of their findings, proposing aims and objectives and ideas for future policies for the planning of Liskeard were brought together in a big ‘visioning’ workshop at the end of July 2015. This was a meeting of the full team, attended by working group volunteers and councillors. The purpose was to bring the work of the groups together, review various options for the future of Liskeard and agree the strategy going forward. The workshop was led by Sue Brownlow, a professional facilitator, who highlighted areas of agreement and, through discussion, helped us to identify and agree on the the possible ‘cross-cutting topic’ that needed further work. These centered around the potential development of the Cattle market site, and devolution of redundant Cornwall Council properties.
The outcome of the session, plus the extra work identified, formed the fundamental basis of the current Neighbourhood Plan draft.