At a meeting of Liskeard Town Council on Tuesday 18th March “the council resolved that the Neighbourhood Plan should include site allocations as an integral part of the Neighbourhood Plan”.
This means that the Town Council does not wish the Local Planning Authority to address the issue of site allocations for Liskeard within Cornwall’s Local Plan – site Allocations DPD, but that the areas that would otherwise be addressed in this will be appropriately covered as part of the Neighbourhood Development Plan.
The Neighbourhood Development plan would, for instance, seek to:-
- develop sufficient policies to facilitate the housing, employment and retail requirements for the town (as set out in the Local Plan – Strategic Policies DPD)
- ‘Identify’ existing strategically and/or locally important employment sites (in alignment with Policy 5 – jobs and skills)
- if deemed necessary, ensure the safeguarding of land to deliver critical infrastructure.
In carrying out the Neighbourhood Plan, the Town Council very much appreciates the resources, guidance and support of Cornwall Council and looks forward to working closely with them in producing the Plan.
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