Our community engagement campaign has continued apace.
On 29th May the Neighbourhood Plan engagement event at the Public Hall drew in lots of good ideas and lots of discussion. Over a busy day, more than 120 people attended. Each was was able to discuss the issues with a Neighbourhood Plan Team member, and record their thoughts on what is important for our town.
Several community events have been visited, including a Liskerrett Film Night, a WRVS meeting, various faith group meetings, the St Martins School Summer Fayre, and the Liskeard Show. We have also visited some care homes to get the views of more elderly or disabled residents. The St Cleer Neighbourhood Plan team kindly let us share their exhibition space at the St Cleer Memorial Hall on 12th July, when 75 people who use Liskeard as their local service centro or place of work were able to have an input.
Invitations to comment have also been sent to the organisations who supply our town with services, such as South West Water, and to groups representing minorities’
On 8th July a Business Breakfast was held at the Eliot Hotel, when 30 local companies contributed a view as to how the prosperity of Liskeard could be supported.
All IT students at Liskeard School have been asked to compete the online survey, and discussions as to how younger residents can best be involved have been started.
We would like all comments on what the plan should include to be in by 1st August, so that, after we have a short summer break, work can begin quickly on forming the options for the development of future Liskeard.
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