Seventy-five percent of people in the Liskeard area think that housing is the most important thing for the new Liskeard Neighbourhood Plan to cover according to the first results from the community engagement work carried out by the Town Council this summer.
Closely behind are the town centre, work and learning, and open space/leisure.
We received 576 sets of comments during the community engagement work, and we have now completed the initial analysis of what was said. That’s a fantastic response that gives us a solid base to go forward on. Thanks to everyone who took the time to talk to us and fill in the questionnaires.
Over the next month a deeper analysis of the many detailed comments will become available so we are immediately setting up working groups to examine these and come up with various options to tackle the issues faced.’ These groups will also look at how themes such as ‘getting around’ and ‘design and heritage’ interact with the priority areas.
The Council are hoping to recruit community volunteers to serve on the working groups. As a community led plan we want the community deeply involved, so people who want to make a difference for Liskeard are welcome to come forward and get involved. Just contact the Town Council Office and give us your details, and we’ll get back to you.
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