The Cornwall Local Plan will consist of the following documents:
Local Plan Strategic Policies Development Plan Document Part One, which sets out the main planning approach and policies for Cornwall. It shows the main targets for growth and the distribution of development. It contains general Development Management policies by which planning applications will be judged.
Local Plan Strategic Policies Development Plan Document Part Two, which focuses on locally specific issues and area based objectives
The Local Plan Strategic Policies documents has reached ‘pre-submission’ to Secretary of State stage. Following public consultation in spring 2013, a revised Pre-Submission Draft Local Plan was approved by Cornwall Council in January 2014. Public consultation on this will take place in spring 2014, after which CC Full Council will consider representations and make modifications during the summer and autumn of 2014, prior to formal submission. An Examination in Public is expected in spring 2015, with adoption that summer.
Local Plan Allocations Development Plan Document which provides greater definition to how the key policies and targets can be delivered, by identifying strategically important sites for development and setting site specific policies for their delivery. This document will be based on the Town Framework studies carried out between 2010 and 2012. It will cover mainly housing and employment development.
Local Plan: Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule, which sets the rates at which CIL will be charged. CIL is a local ‘tax’ paid by developers on new development, 25% of which is allocated to the local council if it has a Neighbourhood Plan.
Local Plan: Mineral Safeguarding Development Plan Document
Local Plan: Travelling Communities Development Plan Document
Beneath these will be a series of Supplementary Planning Documents covering various issues such as affordable housing. Locally prepared Neighbourhood Plans will also be part of the Development Plan when adopted.
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