The Task: ‘Develop options to support a sustainable development strategy for the protection and enhancement of open spaces and community facilities:
Starting points: There are two distinct parts to this theme for consideration:
- Green Spaces:
- Formal – Parks, gardens and places to meet and relax, as well as play areas, particularly for very young children
- Informal – protection and enhancement of immediate countryside and access to it including the towns link with the World Heritage Mining Site (Cornwall Local Plan objective) making use of quiet lanes, cycle routes and footpaths.
- Leisure facilities;
- cinema, bowling, restaurant, museum, library, clubs, indoor soft-play for children
- Sport – leisure centre, sports pitches
The outcome should:
- Integrate with the Cornwall Council Green Space document/Liskeard conservation area character appraisal and management plan/Town Council’s ‘Future Policy for Open Spaces around Liskeard’ by including proposals to protect and enhance the character and accessibility of the natural green spaces in the town and around its boundary;
- Assess and make provision for the enhancement of the quality of existing open spaces, ( e.g. the idea of including a site for a high quality play complex);
- Assess and make provision for enhanced connectivity through development of sustainable cycle and walking routes throughout the town and into the near countryside (Cornwall Local Plan objective)
- Identify, protect and enhance key leisure and community sites;
- Identify, protect and enhance space for events (in liaison with the Town Centre Group);
Delivery Activities:
- What do we know? What role can neighbourhood planning have?
- What do we have to find out? – what do we already have in place? (Liskeard TC policy and audit/Local Plan)
- How do NPPF and Local Plan affect the process?
- How can green spaces and relevant infrastructure be protected, enhanced or created?
- How is it financed? What sources of grants exist?
- Who owns/manages/maintains formal green spaces within the town?
- What design standards should be applied to facilities and infrastructure?
- How can the Neighbourhood Plan influence the provision of property-based/commercial leisure facilities such as leisure centres/sports pitches/cinema/bowling/children’s soft-play/cultural centres?
- What opportunities will arise from potential devolution of Cornwall Council site/services?
As part of the work:
- Hold engagement sessions with community and industry stakeholders
- Visit and take advice from expert sources and recognised good practice examples
- Prepare updates for report to the Neighbourhood Plan Team at its monthly meetings
- Prepare a report that makes recommendations on the options for policies and proposals that the NP Team and Town Council should consider taking forward [spring 2015].
Response Response categories from Community Engagement (number)
- Parks/play areas/gardens/green spaces in town/allotments (63)
- Preserve/protect countryside/green spaces (60)
- Cinema/restaurant/library/clubs (60)
- Sports facilities/leisure centre (23)
- Cycling/walking facilities/paths/trails (22)
- Developers obligation to provide green spaces (9)
- Quiet lanes/by-ways for walking/cycling/dog-walking (4)
- Rest areas/seats/quiet areas in town (4)
N.B. Proposals must have regard to economic reality, they must have a planning purpose, and be achievable
Recommended policies or proposals can be either specific (a site allocation); controlling (in a specific area something will not be permitted; or enabling (developments will be permitted under certain conditions)
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