The Task: ‘Develop options to support the town centre as a prosperous and vibrant local centre for retail, service and entertainment activity:
Starting points:
How do we secure the future resilience of Liskeard as a vibrant town serving the needs of people who live in the town, in the surrounding area and who visit from further afield?
Should Liskeard develop further in the future as a modern market town with a shopping centre; service hub; as well as being a cultural and a social centre?
Does Liskeard need to change its focus; does it need to get bigger – retail area stipulation of Local Plan?
What are the main obstacles to achieving greater vibrancy in the town?
The outcome should:
- Support the development of a broader integrated strategy for the town centre linking public realm and car parking management, pedestrian circulation within centre and from car parks, visitor promotion, and community safety;
- Include policies to control and enhance the quality of advertising and built environment
- Identifiy and propose policies for ‘opportunity sites’ for redevelopment
- Identify, protect and enhance space for events
Delivery Activities:
- What do we know? Retail statistics & projections – how is the commercial centre of Liskeard going to develop?
- What do we need to find out (e.g. legacy work from Portas Project? CLES report) – What do we already have in place?
- How do the NPPF and Local Plan (e.g. retail allocation) support/feed into town centre policies/projects?
- Where should new businesses go? What criteria should be used to assess the viability/suitability of sites? e.g. cattle market/Taylors garage site.
- How will potential release of Cornwall Council sites/buildings through devolution create opportunities?
- Who should provide new facilities? How should new retail and other businesses be integrated into the town and its surrounding area (CNA) (see employment group)?
- What role will housing have in a future town centre? eg “living over the shop” scheme (see housing)
- Would a bigger resident population in the centre improve vibrancy/increase footfall?
- What design standards should be applied to ensure quality, energy efficiency and sustainability taking account of heritage buildings in centre (see energy, design and heritage)?
As part of the work:
- Hold engagement sessions with community and stakeholders/industry representatives
- Visit and take advice from expert sources and recognised good practice examples
- Prepare updates for reporting back to the Neighbourhood Plan Team at its monthly meetings
- Prepare a report that makes recommendations on the options for policies and proposals that the NP Team and Town Council should consider taking forward [spring 2015].
Response categories from Community Engagement (number)
- New shops (59)
- Resolve parking issues (51)
- Regeneration on empty/ old/under-used/derelict sites (33)
- Attract national chain stores (28)
- Tidy up/improve appearance (19)
- Eurospar site (17)
- Family restaurant (14)
- Retain flavour/character of town (13)
- Explore living above shops (footfall) (13)
- Attract a supermarket (13)
N.B. Need to look at fine detail of survey responses for complete picture
N.B. Proposals must have regard to economic reality, they must have a planning purpose, and be achievable
Recommended policies or proposals can be either specific (a site allocation); controlling (in a specific area something will not be permitted; or enabling (developments will be permitted under certain conditions)
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How can you justify a 40% increase in the car parking charge for 2 hours? The ticket machines should be replaced with those chart give change as most drivers do not carry pocketfuls of coins to feed the present machines which steal 30 pence from a 1 pound coin if you do not have 70 pence available.
Ken, thanks for your comment. Car parking charges are in the control of Cornwall Council rather than the Liskeard Town Council which owns this website, and can’t be covered in the Neighbourhood Plan. However I’ll pass your comment on to our Cornwall Councillors. You can find out more about Cornwall Council car parking policies at: and you could comment to the Cornwall Council throough their contacts page at
I hope this helps.